Under the slogan (Transparency is our way to build a modern Iraq), the Ther Development Center , in cooperation with the Iraqi Alliance for Transparency in the Extractive Industries and with the support of PWYP and NORAD

Under the slogan (Transparency is our way to build a modern Iraq), the Ther Development Center , in cooperation with the Iraqi Alliance for Transparency in the Extractive Industries and with the support of PWYP and NORAD, held the Sixth Economic Forum on Saturday, November 26, 2022 in the hall of the Oil Cultural Center in Baghdad. The forum included 3 axes, the first axis: The developmental impact of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), moderated by Dr. Adnan Bahia, in which Ms. Diana Al-Qaisi, member of the International Board of EITI, Dr. Nour Al-Huda Muntazer, member of the Global Council of PWYP, and Mr. Majid Abu Kilal, National Coordinator of the Iraqi Alliance for Transparency in the Extractive Industries, spoke in the second axis: Investing oil and gas revenues in diversifying the Iraqi economy, the axis was moderated by Dr. Ali Nima Muhammad, and spoke in it by Dr. Mahdi Sahar Al-Jubouri, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Hamdiya Shaker, Professor of Economics at the College of Administration and Economics, University of Baghdad, Mr. Ali Nizar Faeq, Assistant General Manager of the Refineries Company responsible for Karbala refinery. The third axis: environmental pollution and the impact of carbon emissions resulting from burning gas associated with the extraction of oil in Iraq. The axis was moderated by Professor Falah Al-Amiri and spoke by Dr. Walid Al-Moussawi, Director General of the Department for the Improvement and Protection of the Environment of the South, the oil expert, Mr. Hamza Al-Jawahiri, Chief Engineer, Senior Mushtaq Talib Fadli from the Oil Reservoirs Department at the Ministry of Oil. The forum issued a final statement on the most important issues dealt with by the axes.
The forum was attended by more than 125 people from various Iraqi governorates, and guests from brotherly Lebanon, representing the PWYP Secretariat, attended.

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