A session was held in the hall of the Ther Development Center to discuss the reality of administrative decentralization in the governorate and its relationship to development

A session was held in the hall of the Ther Development Center to discuss the reality of administrative decentralization in the governorate and its relationship to development. The workshop was attended by Mr. Adel Al-Yasiri, the second deputy of the Governor of Al-Muthanna, the acting Chairman of the Planning and Development Council, Mr. Imad Kazem, Secretary of the Planning and Development Council, Mr. Duraid Al-Araji, President of the Businessmen Union, Muthanna Branch, and Mr. Faleh Al-Hitimi, President Al-Muthanna Chamber of Industry, Mrs. Balsam Faleh, Head of the Skilled Iraqi Women Organization and a number of civil activists. The session resulted in a number of recommendations, including the need to activate cooperation with Al-Muthanna University to invest academic scientific energies in studying the problems that the province suffers from through research and studies carried out by professors and students The university, as well as the need for joint action between the local government, the university, trade unions, professional federations, and non-governmental organizations in the province to complete a strategic development plan for the economic advancement of the province in order to lift it from the trap of poverty. Dhar Center for Development will continue its coordination role between the various parties to activate joint cooperation. All thanks and appreciation to all who attended and interacted.

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