in cooperation with the Union of Iraqi Jurists, Muthanna Governorate Branch, held a dialogue session on the proposed amendments to the Provincial and District Council Elections Law No. 12 of 2018,

The Ther Development Center, in cooperation with the Union of Iraqi Jurists, Muthanna Governorate Branch, held a dialogue session on the proposed amendments to the Provincial and District Council Elections Law No. 12 of 2018, as amended, on Friday, January 6, 2023. The session was attended by a number of members of the Union, the head of the Businessmen Union in Muthanna, and representatives of political parties. And young people active in political work, the recommendations were distributed to the attendees, and the session facilitator gave an overview of the campaign to amend the law, in which 7 other organizations are participating covering all the governors of Iraq except for the governors of the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The attendees discussed the recommendations and suggested expanding, holding such sessions due to their importance. We thank the Union of Jurists Muthanna We thank everyone who attended.

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