The Ther Development Center participated in the consultative meeting that was held at the Martyr Al-Sadr Hall at Al-Muthanna University. The aim of the meeting was to discuss a draft memorandum of understanding between three parties.

The Ther Development Center, represented by its director, Majed Abu Kelal, participated in the consultative meeting held at the Martyr Al-Sadr Hall at Al-Muthanna University, headed by the President of Al-Muthanna University, Dr. And the director of the Muthanna Governorate Planning Department, the head of the Businessmen Union in Muthanna, the head of the Muthanna Chamber of Industry, and the director of the Muthanna Chamber of Commerce. The aim of the meeting is to discuss a draft memorandum of understanding between three parties: the university, the local government of the Muthanna governorate, and civil society institutions in the governorate (non-governmental organizations, federations and unions representing the sector Private), the attendees discussed the terms of the proposed memorandum of understanding and obtained initial approval for it to be later signed to work on it to serve the public interest. We thank Dr. Amer Al-Atwi, President of Al-Muthanna University, Dr. Hussein Al-Maali, the scientific assistant, the administrative assistant, and the deans for the good reception, cooperation and positive interaction, and we look forward to joint work to serve Muthanna Governorate in particular and Iraq in general.

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